Monday, April 26, 2010

Letter to Love (I guess that would make this a love letter?)

You have completely swallowed me today, but you're never filled. You're always light but heavy upon my shoulders. Often I can't have enough, but still I wish you would make your exit. This is not to say that you're that simple! No…no, you have far more than that to teach man. Yesterday I saw u cover me with your thickness and it's the reason for this letter. Taking many forms, you reveal and conceal yourself from our human eyes. Like a fleeting light you shine, then faster than you came you're out of sight. You bring with you pleasure and pain; It's only right that you should. Most forces we humans have an affinity for tend to do so. I see you in some but not others, but I heard that you're everywhere. Like nature you have no feelings towards us and our opinions affect you little. I heard you bring things together and keep them in harmony. Well then, you would win Heraclitus's praise for you are one but many in unseen harmonies. Or maybe Parmenides would be more your style since you are "the one, that it is and that it is not possible for it not to be..." who was contrived first of all.

They say that God is Love. "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'[a] 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself,'" (Matthew 22:36-40) said the son of man, the son of "I am." Thus, for many of us, you're the purpose for living. Surely your goodness is assumed I can feel you're the same today as you were yesterday. So why do our hearts feel comfort and affliction all at once?


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